Right now, I'm obsessing over helping personal brand escape gmail's dreaded "promo tab".

This means a MINIMUM 30% lift in opens and sales from your email campaigns


Who is Mike Lazarus?

I started studying marketing in 2016, but I struggled for years to find exactly what I excel at.

A few years into my journey, I discovered how much I love helping entrepreneurs get their message delivered through the best marketing channel there is: email!

Right now, I'm focusing on helping entrepreneurs increase their open rates and sales by 30% MINIMUM through email.

If you want some help, you can contact me by clicking the button below.


Want help increasing your open rates & sales?

If your emails are going to the promo tab in Gmail, this is probably costing you thousands of dollars EVERY month.

I can help you get your emails delivered straight to the primary inbox, so you can keep your subscribers engaged, keeping your brand top of mind when they are ready to buy.

or contact me directly if you have questions

Need help managing your email list?

You invest a LOT of effort building your business, but then you realize you ALSO have to manage your email list.

If neglected, it can lead you to the Promo Tab or even worse: Spam. I know many reputable brands that show up in my spam folder.

I can help you with 3 things:

1. Writing daily broadcast emails to stay top of mind

2. Building key automations to capture more revenue

3. Ensuring email list health and deliverability

or contact me directly if you have questions


Want To Chat About Something?

Click the red button below to view my contact page

© 2024 Mike Lazarus

3880 E Warm Spring Ave Boise ID 83716

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